Founded in 1999 as Dreams Drama School, we pride ourselves in providing the finest instructors in our unrivalled hi-tech studios while offering over 10 genres of performing arts.
DAPA provides exciting and supporting performing arts education for all ages, through performance relevant programs for toddlers through to teens and from young adults to the young at heart. We have a class for you. DAPA connects schools, teachers and students to professionals in the performance industry.
Look at our timetable to see our the exciting new classes we offer.
All our programmes emphasise the joy of performance and we strive to offer a positive experience for every student. Our goal is excellent instruction in a fun, family-orientated environment, that will give your child the best possible introduction and experience in the world of performing arts.
We believe that the discipline, self-esteem and joy they experience at DAPA, will add a positive and influential, energy and creativity to their lives.